Holiday Health

By Corby Pinder | 13 December 2019

Mental, Physical and Spiritual Tips to keep our holidays merry and bright

It’s the time to be merry and enjoy all the festive season has to bring. Smorgasbords with the family, delicious treats and late nights with good friends are upon us but with all the good times we get bombarded with stress, guilt, weight gain, gut inflammation and fatigue. What can we do to minimise the effects without sacrificing our right to indulge every now and again? I’ve put together a checklist of how to stay healthy as we enter 2020:


  1. First and foremost, choose the right alcohol. With less sugar, yeast and wheat, Prosecco, vodka and gin can be great choices when we know we will be consuming more than usual. If you choose a spirit, try mixing with plain or soda water and fresh lemons/limes.
  2. If alcohol isn’t your thing, it’s still important that your beverages don’t contain too much sugar or additives. Reach for water instead and save your sugar intake for the delicious treats.
  3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate – whether you celebrate in the snow or at the beach, aim to consume a minimum of 2 litres a water a day. It’ll help you flush out toxins and keep your organs happy.
  4. Keep active – the holidays are a great opportunity to get outside and get moving. Go for a walk, swim or run. The extra vitamin D will be a nice energy boost as well.
  5. Stretch and/or meditate before social events and family time. We all know that along with the amazing benefits of socialising can also come stress and anxiety. Take 20 minutes to be by yourself. There are some great meditation apps you can get for free, try Calm or Insight Timer. If you’re looking for some great pilates or yoga sessions you can do at home, try 30 days on my app for free.
  6. Get quality shut eye by sticking to your bedtime routine or even better attempt to get to bed earlier than normal. Reading or listening to music that soothes the soul is a great transition. Try to avoid screens for at least 20 minutes prior to shut-eye. Here’s a great bed time playlist
  7. Reflect on what you have to be grateful for over the past decade and open your heart to great things for the coming decade. Have you thought about what you want to accomplish between 2020 and 2030? Rather than focusing on what makes you feel inadequate, focus on what will bring you genuine happiness. Write it down. Need a template? This is what I use with my clients.

Most important, trust that the universe has your back. Open yourself up to all the amazing things in store for you. 2020 is gonna rock!

Want 30 days on my app for free? Absolutely no payment details taken. I will give you a training program, meal plans and coaching over the holidays and help you bring in 2020 with all the tools you need. Let’s make it your happiest and healthiest year yet!



In Love and Health,
